Engineering Blogs Every Software Architect Should Read

As a Software Architect, being aware and gaining broader context is a table-stakes in the current environment. But with information overload with many sources (social media, blogs, news articles, etc.), it is essential to prioritize your reading preferences. The decision to what to read and what not to read is a personal decision and your area of interest/skillset (user experience, web, data, integration, machine learning / artificial intelligence, IoT, DevOps,…

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Top Microservices Frameworks In Java

This article is an effort to summarize the Top Microservices Frameworks in Java and is listed in no particular priority order. Considering the flexibility in MSA (Microservices Architecture), these are not mutually exclusive and you can choose as per your architectural requirements, business need, organizational context, and other factors under consideration. #1 Spring Boot with Spring Cloud (Production-grade, Widely Adopted) Star Developed by: Pivotal (part of VMWare)Link: Spring Boot…

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Software Quality Strategy Is Essential For Every Architect

Ensuring software quality is one of the key performance indicators for a software architect. That’s why having a strategy to ensure software quality is an essential aspect of software architect’s key responsibilities. Essentially you can apply Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to manage Software Quality: 20 % of your focus on Software Quality can bring 80% of effects in delivering better Software Use the below three steps to make your software…

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Top Ten Metrics You Need To Measure Productivity

Top Ten Metrics You Need To Measure For Productivity

Follow @ankurkumarz Follow @VedcraftTeam Measuring & tracking the progress of any program is key to success as quoted in the famous saying: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. Considering a large number of metrics available, this article summarizes the top ten metrics to measure from the delivery team’s productivity perspective: Metric Purpose Description Feature Cycle Time To measure the time-to-market of a feature to generate business value…

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How Did We Increase Incident Analysis Efficiency By Over 40 % using Splunk?

Log Analysis Splunk

Splunk has been recognized to provide end-to-end data platform capabilities turning data into insights & actionable measures. Logs collection, aggregation, visualization, and insights are table stakes for enterprise applications. Elevating platforms to real-time log analysis, generating actionable insights by applying machine learning algorithms, analyzing failure trends, and real-time visualization during incidents are some of the key capabilities expected in modern platforms. As we progressed our journey to find such capabilities,…

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Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud, Prometheus, Grafana, and Keycloak using Kubernetes

Microservices with Spring Cloud

When I started research on building microservice architecture with completely opensource software, I established the following as key guiding principles: Opensource technology stack, which is proven & battle-tested for production systems Applying API Gateway pattern for Microservices Wider developer community support with active support (in case there are issues or troubleshooting needed) Good documentation with easily accessible learning material These principles helped me to choose the technology stack, which has…

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Top Ten Technology Trends For 2021

Top Technology Trends

Based on reports published by research companies like Gartner, Forrester, Bain, Deloitte, there are numerous technology trends predicted for 2021. This article summarizes the top ten technology trends common across their reports. #10 – Zero Trust Security & Privacy Computation Security has always been a key focus area for enterprises and the advancement towards zero-trust principle (never trust & always verify) will continue to be the trend in coming years.…

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Lessons Learned from AWS Services Outage (Nov 2020)

Outage Impact

Context, Analysis & Impact Amazon’s internet infrastructure service experienced a multi-hour outage on Wednesday that affected a large portion of the internet. Read more details on The Washington Post by clicking here. More than 50+ companies impacted including Roku, Adobe, Flickr, Twilio, Tribune Publishing and Amazon’s own smart security division Ring, in its region covering the eastern U.S. Business impact such as as reported by The Washington Post: New account…

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Don’t Reinvent for Cloud Migration or Adoption Framework

Cloud Migration Approach

When it comes to cloud migration or adoption, often organizations get into the practice of building a cloud migration framework before the migration. While having a cloud migration strategy is essential for successful cloud migration, it does not necessitate to build your own cloud migration framework.During the assessment or discovery phase itself, you can start leveraging the below frameworks based upon your cloud vendor selection: AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Microsoft…

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5 Reports Every Software Architect Should Read

Technology Report

#1 – Google’s Accelerate State of DevOps Report Google’s research division has partnered with DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) research program to carry out data-driven insights for effective DevOps and organizational performance. As part of this program, they have been publishing State of DevOps Report (2014-2019) for the last six years. DORA became part of Google Cloud in 2018 (click here for announcement details). As an architect, it is one…

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